【题 目】Can Artificial Intelligence Improve Gender Equality? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
【时 间】2022年11月9日(星期三),上午9:00-10:30
【地 点】腾讯会议ID:634-694-635
【主讲人】包郑扬 助理教授(厦门大学经济学院)
【主持人】徐 慧 副教授 (北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院)
摘要:Women are underrepresented in many fields due to gender stereotypes and discriminatory treatment from incumbents. How to create a gender-neutral learning environment when people's mindset is slow to change? Artificial intelligence (AI) 's recent development provides a way to achieve this goal as we can remove gender-related information for the AI trainer. To test the effectiveness of AI training, we use data from a natural experiment where AI trainers replace some human teachers for a strategic board game due to the COVID-19 disease. The game is male-dominate, and human teachers typically favor boys and create a gender performance gap. We find the introduction of AI not only improves boys' and girls' performance faster but also reduces the pre-existing gender gap. The data suggests that AI trainers' gender-neutral emotional status can partly explain why girls benefit more. We provide the first evidence that AI technologies can promote equality for society.