【题 目】Correcting the Historical Wrong: 200 years of Affirmative Action and Human Capital Accumulation in China
【时 间】2021年10月27日(星期三),14:30-16:00
【地 点】腾讯会议ID:273 576 333
【主讲人】曹思未 讲师(北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院)
There is a long held but untested belief that affirmative action will level the playing field and eventually be unnecessary at all. We exploit academic institutional changes in the history of China to provide direct support. We show that a 200-year place-based quota policy successfully raised academic competence for the historically disadvantaged regions even after the policy concluded. This implies human capital accumulation is sustainable without further affirmative action. Our theory rationalizes the findings by arguing affirmative action can raise human capital to a higher equilibrium. Strong intergenerational spillovers are a key mechanism for sustainable growth.