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2月24日经济系学术讲座 | Sequential Search with Adaptive Intensity
发布时间:2021-02-22       浏览量:

【题  目】Sequential Search with Adaptive Intensity

【时  间】2021年2月24日(星期三),14:30-16:00

【地  点】北京师范大学后主楼1610

【主讲人】李志赟 助理教授 (Durham University Business School)


摘要:This paper develops a tractable framework for analyzing finite sequential search problems, where a searcher chooses search intensity adaptively in each period. We fully characterize the optimal search rule and value, decomposing the inter-temporal change of optimal search intensity into a fall-back value effect and a deadline effect.  We show that the optimal search intensity (value) is submodular (supermodular) in fall-back value and time. It follows that the fall-back value effect increases when the deadline approaches, and the deadline effect decreases when a searcher's fall-back value gets higher. We further quantify the value of recall and the value of time .  Finally, we discuss the potential applications of our results in related problems in economics and management.



李志赟, 于2012年获牛津大学经济学博士学位,现任Durham University (UK) 经济学助理教授。研究方向为应用微观经济理论、产业组织及发展经济学。已在Journal of Comparative Economics, Social Choice and Welfare,China Economic Review等期刊发表英文学术文章10余篇,并有文章在International Economic Review和Economic Journal复审中。另有2篇发表于《经济研究》的高引中文学术论文,总引用量超3000次。