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11月18日 | 京师经管●名家讲坛(93)暨瀚德国际经济大讲堂
发布时间:2019-11-18       浏览量:

题目:Bringing It All Back Home: Knowledge Remittances, Relatedness and the Direction of Technical Change    



时间:11月18日  15:30-17:00


恩斯特·米格勒兹,法国国家科学研究中心和波尔多大学研究员,世界知识产权组织顾问,国际人才流动研究顶级专家。研究兴趣包括经济地理,创新经济学,移民和知识产权,曾担任Regional Studies主编,其作品广泛发表于经济地理顶尖杂志Journal of Economic Geography, Regional Studies和国际贸易顶级刊物Journal of International Business Studies上。


Ernest MIGUELEZ is research fellow (Chargé de Recherche) at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), attached to the GREThA – UMR CNRS 5113, University of Bordeaux.

His research interests cover economic geography, innovation economics, migration, and intellectual property. He received his PhD from the Department of Econometrics, Statistics, and Spanish Economy of the University of Barcelona (January 2013 – supervisors: Rosina Moreno & Francesco Lissoni).

He is research affiliate at the Regional Quantitative Analysis Research Group (AQR-IREA), external research fellow at the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration (CReAM), and he have been Early Career Editor of the journal Regional Studies (2015-2018). He currently runs the TKC project, funded by the ANR, which includes a workshop series on Migration, Globalization and the Knowledge Economy.

Research website: https://ernestmiguelez.com/