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我院教师蔡宏波合作论文被Industrial Relations期刊正式接受
发布时间:2024-08-15       浏览量:

近日,我院国贸系蔡宏波教授与中国人民大学刘甲楠助理教授、Bucknell大学Carl Lin 副教授合作撰写的论文“Competition in the Labor Market: The Wage Effect of Employer Concentration in China”被期刊Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society正式接受。

Industrial Relations是一本专注于变化对商业、政府和工人影响的多学科期刊,该期刊被ABS认定为4星类期刊,近五年的影响因子为2.7。


Jianan Liu, 蔡宏波(通讯作者), Carl Lin. Competition in the Labor Market: The Wage Effect of Employer Concentration in China, Industrial Relations.


Competition in the labor market theoretically leads to higher wages, yet empirical evidence to substantiate it, particularly in developing countries, has been sparse. Our study delves into the impact of increased competition in the labor market on workers’ wages using a panel dataset from Chinese industrial firms spanning 1998 to 2013. Employing OLS and IV regressions, we demonstrate that a decrease in employer concentration is significantly linked to higher wages. The elasticities of employer concentration on wages fall within the range of -0.034 and -0.107. Additionally, our findings suggest that state-owned enterprises gained the most from this upswing in competition, primarily due to restructuring. Furthermore, we demonstrate that total factor productivity serves as an important channel linking employer concentration to wages.


