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我院教师的论文被Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology评为高被引论文
发布时间:2024-04-29       浏览量:

近期,Wiley出版社和英国心理学会主办的期刊Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (ABS 4)发布通知,我院蔡子君老师(第一作者)发表的论文“Career adaptability and proactive work behaviour: A relational model”成为2022-2023年度该杂志引用次数最多的文章之一。论文在线发表于2022年10月,正式出版时间为2023年3月。

职业与组织心理学期刊(Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology )系组织行为学、应用心理学领域的顶级期刊之一,旨在发表围绕心理学的创新性、跨学科研究,以增进对于职场人和组织的理解,研究主题包括工业、组织、工作、职业和人事心理学,劳资行为与认知, 人体工程学, 工业社会学等。

蔡子君, Tian, Y., & Wang, Z. (2023). Career adaptability and proactive work behaviour: A relational model. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(1), 182-202, https://doi.org/10.1111/joop.12411

论文摘要:Research on career adaptability has found that it helps people adapt at work. However, in modern uncertain and dynamic work environment, people need to perform proactive work behaviour to ensure individual effectiveness. Thus, to understand how career adaptability advances career development, it is necessary to examine its influences on proactive work behaviour. Adopting a relational perceptive, the current paper proposed leader-member exchange and perceived coworker support as the mediators and future work self salience as a moderator. Data were collected with a three-wave design in China. Findings largely supported the propositions, albeit showing partial mediation effects. This study extends existing understandings of the role of career adaptability at work, provides a new perspective about why it influences work-related outcomes and enriches the knowledge about the antecedents of proactive work behaviour

文章链接: https://doi.org/10.1111/joop.12411


