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International Economy and Trade (Maxdo Experimental Program)

Named as both a “National Specialty” and a “Beijing Specialty” under the support of the Maxdo Foundation, this dual-degree program was formally established in 2013 with the aim of cultivating sophisticated, multicultural high-end professionals to work in the business and management sectors, as well as research and teaching positions in economic and trade departments, domestic and foreign-funded enterprises, and government agencies.  International instructors are hired to teach specialized courses in English. Meanwhile, students in the program are also required to learn a second language (French, German, Portuguese or Spanish), and they will be receiving dual degrees in both Economics and International Economics and Trade upon completing all credit requirements. The top 60 percent of students will be selected to enroll in exchange programs with our partner universities abroad for one year, where they will continue the study of their second language and major courses.


Main Courses:

International Trade, International Trade Practice, International Finance, International Settlement, International Commercial Law, International Investment, International Business Negotiation, International Transport and Insurance, International Service Trade, Business English Correspondence.


Employment the International Economics and Trade Department :

In recent years, the fresh graduate employment rate of this major is 100%, 50% of which continues their study in top universities home and abroad such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Columbia University, and the University of Maryland in the United States. 15% of the students have been admitted by the MIB (Master of International Business) program of the BNU Business School; while the rest of the students have been offered positions in the section of education institutes and business management, investigation, publicity and planning for enterprises and institutions such as universities and schools, COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Group Company), Sinopec.

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