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Business Negotiation Simulation Cohosted by BNU Business School and the University of South Australia
Published Date: 2014-04-28  

From April 19th to 20th, Beijing Normal University Business School and the Business in China Intensive School (BICIS) from the University of South Australia’s business school mutually hosted a business negotiation simulation. Over 30 MBA students from Australia, MBA students and World Economy and China (WEC) English taught Master program international students from Beijing Normal University attended this event, fully communication with each other. The business negotiation simulation was divided into two rounds, two parties each hosted one. All students were divided into three groups, each group have two teams, one Australian team and one Chinese team. Students have different positions, such as the general manager, the deputy manager, the production manager, the marketing manager, the finance manager and the legal consultant. Both sided fully prepared for this event, which was a great success. All students felt that they have gained a lot from this experience.

There’s a long history between eijing Normal University and the University of South Australia, members from their business school have occasionally visited the Beijing Normal University Business School. The BICIS program is a two-week study tour designed to give Australian MBA students a structured approach to understand how business and management are conducted in China. It is delivered through a combination of lectures, case studies, group work and company visits in Shanghai and Beijing. Most participants to BICIS tour are senior managers and business executives who are enrolled in the University of South Australia’s MBA program.



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