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Dr. Fontanini was born in July 1967. He graduated in School of Business Administration of the State University of Parana- UNESPAR in 1992. In 2014, he obtained the PhD in Education from PUCPR. Dr. Fontanini is teaching the business course in Curitiba Campus of the Business school, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana. He is, at the same time, the director of Exam Consulting, which composed by the projects in business and educational areas. From 2007, Dr. Fontanini is the dean of Business School, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana. Since 2014, he became the director in international area and accreditation center at Business School of PUCPR.
Carlos Augusto Candeo Fontanini

澳大利亚墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)中国学研究教授及当代中国研究中心(Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies)主任。

Christine Wong
Dr. Jatinder bir Singh, born in December 1963, is presently Principal of Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce and has two and half decades of teaching experience in Delhi University. He is keen researcher and is known for his contribution to Commodity Futures Markets, a sunrise sector. His doctorate degree on Agricultural Futures Markets is the first one in India in recent times when this sector became prominent. He had been a consultant to World Bank, Asian development Bank, and National Commodity and Derivative Exchange (NCDEX). While being with NCDEX Institute of Commodity Research (NICR) as Senior Consultant, he guided research on agricultural futures markets, organized a workshop/conference development in commodity futures markets and initiated a journal on commodity research. He has published papers in reputed Journals like Review of Futures Markets.
Jatinder bir Singh
Dr. Nikolay was born on 24 April 1954. He got his Ph.D. of quantitative methods in management in Moscow Institute of Management in 1981. Dr. Nikolay is the dean of the Faculty of Business and Management in National Research University Higher School of Economics from 2006. He is also the member of Academy of Management (USA), the member of Academy of International Business (USA), the board member of Global Business and Technology Association (USA) and the editorial board member of Management and Organization Review. Dr. Nikolay has published more than 70 publications, served as a scientific editor in the ever-largest teaching materials in management development project in Russia resulting in creation of 17 modular programme for managers. Dr. Nikolay has wide exposure to international experience in management training, works in many countries like Belgium, Netherlands, Finland and USA.
Nikolay Filinov-Chernyshev
Dr. Ponomarev was born in Dec 1981, he got his PhD in economics at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Dr. Ponomarev is the dean of School of Management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Father more, he is the member of commission on questions of development of system of employment of university graduates and the working youth, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. He is also the member of Methodical Council at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, the member of editorial board of the scientific journal Littera Scripta. Dr. Ponomarev has published more than 80 scientific publications, and he has took part in 5 research projects in management and higher education. Dr Ponomarev A. Maxim
  加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)教授,主要研究领域:收入分配、不平等问题、劳动力市场
Terry Sicular
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