Bai Baoli, Professor in the Department of Economics. His main research interests are Theoretical Economics, including Political Economy and Western Economics. He is a leader in the field of Value and Price studies. Bai Baoli has received more than eighteen awards at the provincial and ministry levels, including three first prizes. His professional service includes acting as Vice President of the Chinese “Das Kapital” Research Society and Vice Chairman of the National Marxist Economic Ideology History Society.
E-mail: baolibai@163.com
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=35
Cao Siwei: Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics,holds a PhD in Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley. His main research interests are applied microeconomics, intellectual property and international research, development economics.
Chinese Website:
Carl Lin, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Rutgers University in the United States. He is also a researcher for the IFA (Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft). His main research interests are Labor Economics and Applied Econometrics.
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=127
Chen Jidong, Assistant Professor in Economics, holds a PhD from Princeton. His main research interests include Political Economy, Comparative Institutional Analysis (with a focus on China), Applied Game Theory, and Experimental Game Theory.
Personal Website: http://jidongchen.weebly.com
E-mail: gdongchen@gmail.com , jidongchern@126.com
Chinese Website:
Di Chengfeng, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Beijing Normal University. Her main research interests are Contemporary History of Western Economics and South Asian Economy.
E-mail: cfdi@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=84
He Haoran, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His main research interests are Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Environmental Resource Economics and Applied Econometrics.
Chinese Website:http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=129
Lai Desheng, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). His main research interests are Labor Economics and Economics of Education. Lai Desheng has been honored with the 2012 Changjiang Scholar award by the Ministry of Education. He was chosen for the New Century Excellent Talents Project by the Ministry of Education in 2004. He is a member of the Discipline Reviewing Expertise Group of the National Social Science Fund, Vice Chairman of the Beijing Human Resource and Social Security Society, and vice president of the Institute of Labor Science Education of the China Labor Society.
E-mail: lai@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=39
Li Shi, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds an MS in Economics from Peking University. His main research interests are Development Economics and Labor Economics. His recent research has focused on Income Distribution, Public Policy, Poverty, and Labor Markets. Li Shi was honored as the 2011 Changjiang Scholar by the Ministry of Education. He has been awarded the Sun Yefang Economics Prize and the Zhang Peigang Development Economics Prize. He serves as an expert on the Human Resources and Social Security Advisory Committee, and is also member of the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office Expert Advisory Committee, the Reviewing Expertise Group of the National Social Science Foundation, and the Academic Committee of Tianze Institute. In the meantime, he is also a researcher for the German Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), and China's Economic Growth Research Center at Oxford University.
E-mail: lishi@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=51
Li You, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Renmin University of China. His main research interests are Political Economy, Business Administration, and Public Administration. He won the Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Award, and the Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Award for four times. Li You is a member of the Beijing Economics Association and the Beijing Labor and Social Security Committee.
E-mail: Liyou1964@163.com
Chinese Website:http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=55
Liu Zeyun, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Management from Beijing Normal University. His main research interests are Education Economics and Labor Economics. His professional services includes Secretary General of the National Education Economic Association, and educational consultant expert for the World Bank/British Government Poor Rural Communities Development Project (PRCDP).
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=67
Lu Yuexiang, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Psychology from Beijing Normal University. His main research interests are Political Economy, China Market Research, and Consumer Behavior and Psychology.
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=89
Luo Chuliang, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Psychology from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). His main research interests are Labor Economics and Development Economics. He has been chosen for the “New Century Excellent Talents Project” by the Ministry of Education in 2012.
E-mail: luochl@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=103
Shen Yue, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Beijing Normal University. His main research interests are Chinese Economic Reform and Economic Development, Comparative Economic Systems, Western Economics, and German Economic Theory. He won the 9th Beijing Colleges and Universities Top Teacher Award in 2013, has been selected for the Beijing Philosophy & Social Sciences Research Award twice, and the Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award. Shen Yue is the chief expert of the Marxist Theory Research and Construction Project, “Analyzing the School of Contemporary Western Economics.” He is also the Executive Vice President and Secretary of the Beijing Economics Association, and the Deputy General Secretary of the Chinese Foreign Economic Theory Research Association.
E-mail: shenyue@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=37
Sun Zhijun, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Education Economics from Beijing Normal University. His main research interest is Education Economics. His professional service includes being Secretary-general of The Chinese Society of Education—Education Economics branch, and part-time researcher for the China Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Tsinghua University (CISTP).
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=62
Tavis Barr, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Columbia University in the United States. His main research interests are Labor Economics and Applied Microeconomics. He was a Fulbright Scholar for Uganda in 2008-2009, and has previously taught at Columbia University, Long Island University, Makerere University, and Addis Ababa University.
E-mail: tavisbarr@gmail.com
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=128
Xu Hui, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon in France. Her main research interests are Labor Economics, Development Economics, Experimental Economics, and Applied Econometrics.
E-mail: xuhui@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=134
Xu Minbo, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Georgetown University in the United States. His main research interests are Applied Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, and Labor Economics.
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=142
Wang Shanmai, Professor in the Department of Economics. His main research interests are Public Economics and Economics of Education. He has won the National Book Award and the First Prize of the National Education Scientific Book Award. He is a member of the National Education Advisory Association, General Director of the National Education Economic Association, a part-time researcher at the National Education Development Research Center, an evaluation expert of the National Social Sciences Fund, an evaluation expert for the Changjiang Scholars and a part-time professor at Peking University and Tokyo University.
E-mail: wangshanmai@vip.sina.com
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=33
Xing Chunbing, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Peking University. His main research interests are Labor Economics and Micro-Measurement Applications. His main community service is as Researcher for the Germany Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=97
Yang Chengyu, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in physics from Beijing Normal University and a PhD in Economics from the University of Southern California. His main research interests are Macroeconomic Dynamics, Consumer Behavior and Economic Growth, as well as Income Distribution and Fiscal Policy Analysis. Yang Chengyu was chosen for the New Century Excellent Talents Project by the Ministry of Education in 2013.
E-mail: cyang@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=116
Yang Juan, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from the University of York. Her main research interests are Labor Economics and Education Economics.
E-mail: yangjuan@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website:http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=112
Yang Xiaowei, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from Southwestern University. His main research interests are Enterprise Theory, Labor Pricing Theory, and Government-Market Relations.
E-mail: yangxw@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website:http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=138
Yin Heng, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a PhD in Economics from the School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University. His main research interests are Macroeconomics, Public Finance, and Income Distribution. He was chosen for the New Century Excellent Talents Project by the Ministry of Education in year 2011.
E-mail: yheng@bnu.edu.cn
Chinese Website: http://business.bnu.edu.cn:8081/teachers/index.jsp?tid=61
John Knight, Professor in the Department of Economics, holds a B.A. (subsequently M.A.) degree in the Economics Tripos, Cambridge University. His main research interests are subjective well-being, social instability, economic growth, and labour markets.
Chinese Website:
Zhu Min, Assistant Professor in Economics, holds a PhD from GATE (CNRS-Université de Lyon). Her main research interests are Applied Economics, Market Design, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Economics of Education, Social Network.
Chinese Website: