
The Chinese Economy Lecture Notice|The 1 2 3 4 5 of Belt and Road Initiative
发布日期: 2018-11-09  浏览次数:

Topic: The 1 2 3 4 5 of Belt and Road Initiative

Time:   18:30-20:20, November 13, 2018

Venue:  Room208, 2nd Floor, No.4 University Building, BNU(北京师范大学教四208)

Language: English

Speaker: Dr. ZHOU Mi (周密博士), Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director, Institute of American and Oceania Study, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)

Speaker Profile:

Dr. Zhou Mi is a Senior Research Fellow and the Deputy Director of Institute of American and Oceania Study, CAITEC. He received Ph.D. in Economics from Beihang University and worked as Post-Doc in Fudan University. He was also a visiting scholar of Stanford University(USA) and Korean International Economy Policy Institute (South Korea).

Dr. Zhou's research fields include the Outward Investment, International Contracting, International labor cooperation, International Aid, Trade in Services, International Rules and Agreements, etc. His research focuses on the government decision-making, negotiation and trend judgment on these areas, facilitating their better understanding to the domestic and international environment, improvement of the management efficiency, and better allocation of the resources.

Dr. Zhou has authored one and edited more than a dozen books and published more than 300 articles. He has led or participated in more than 100 research projects which support the decision making or provide consultations for a wide range of ministries, local governments, international organizations, and enterprises.



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