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2018 BUNBS International Winter Camp Kicked off at BNU
Release time:2019-03-26     Views:


On Dec 3, 2018, the 2018 BUNBS International Winter Camp——Australian students coming for short-time learning and internship project was kicked off at the main building of our university. This project is jointly hosted by our department and the School of Chinese and Chinese Culture. Altogether 18 students from 7 Australian universities and 9 volunteer students from our department participated in the project.


Presided over by Cai Hongbo, assistant to the director of our department, leadership and representatives from the China Education Association for International Exchanges, the Australian Consulate to China, the Department of International Exchange and Cooperation and the School of Chinese and Chinese Culture of the Beijing Normal University, Education Program principal of the Victoria State Government attended the opening ceremony and all extended their warm welcome to the students joined and delivered their wishes to them, hoping they could acquire new knowledge as well as harvest friendship during this trip.


At the conclusion, the project leaders made a comprehensive introduction of the project and gave detailed orientations to the students in aspects of study, life and internship in China.


The project will last for 8 weeks and the students will be exposed to classes of international political economy, Chinese economic situation, Chinese language, Chinese culture experience (paper cutting, t'ai chi ch'uan, etc.), and lectures on Chinese society and culture as well as Peking Opera and Chinese Kung Fu shows in theatres. In addition, they will also have the opportunities of visiting the innovation centers in Beijing such as Beijing University Students Innovation Park and the Zhongguancun Internet Education & Innovation Center. We have also invited Professor Ruth Rentschler, director of the Management School of the University of South Australia to give lectures to students.