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BNU Party Secretary Cheng Jianping Came to BNUBS to Investigate and Guide the Evaluation of Undergraduate Teaching
Release time:2018-09-11     Views:


On the morning of June 19, 2018, Cheng Jianping, Party Committee Secretary of BNU, came to BNUBS to investigate and supervise the evaluation of undergraduate teaching, accompanied by Zheng Guomin, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, Zhang Zhubo, Director of the Party Committee Office, and the person in charge of the Evaluation Office. The party and government leaders of BNUBS, the heads of the Teaching Steering Committee and various departments and some teachers attended the forum.


Lai Desheng, Dean of BNUBS, first reported on the development of BNUBS in recent years from the aspects of discipline construction, talent cultivation, scientific research, team building, international exchange, international certification, party building and student work. Combining the main spirit of the 13th BNU Party Congress, he also introduced the working ideas, major initiatives and challenges in the next step. Then, he reported on the overall situation of the undergraduate teaching evaluation work. Wu Qinhong, assistant to the Dean introduced in detail the rectification plan and measures concerning the questions raised by each evaluation project expert in the self-evaluation work.


Zheng Guomin first introduced the overall deployment and working ideas of the undergraduate teaching evaluation work of BNUBS. He affirmed the advantages and characteristics of the talent cultivation of BNUBS, pointed out some weak links and gave some suggestions.


After listening to the report, Secretary Cheng Jianping carefully reviewed the self-assessment and rectification tasks and put forward specific guidance for each task. He concluded that the evaluation of teaching was a powerful starting point to improve the quality of talent cultivation, which was the the fundamental task of colleges and universities. The assessment could be viewed as an opportunity to strive for a new level in talent training and quality work. Affirming the past development achievements of BNUBS, he also put forward guiding opinions on the reform and development of BNUBS.