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2018 National Social Science Fund Major Project "China Rural Family Database Construction and Application Research" Opening and Project Seminar Held in Beijing Normal University
Release time:2019-01-08     Views:

On December 30, 2018, the "China Rural Family Database Construction and Application Research" seminar and project seminar was held in Room 9504 of Jingshi Building. The meeting was chaired by Professor Li Shi, the general manager of the project and Professor of Economics and Business School of Beijing Normal University. The heads of the sub-projects were Professor Yue Ximing from Renmin University of China, Professor Xia Qingjie from Peking University, Professor Wang Xiaoli from Peking University, Professor Wang Xiaolin from Fudan University (presented by Feng Hexia) and Associate Professor Wan Haiyuan from Beijing Normal University. Professor Luo Chuliang, Professor Yang Chengyu, Professor Xing Chunbing from the Business School of Beijing Normal University and Prof. Zhang Yanqun from the Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences attended the meeting and made expert comments.


Professor Li Shi introduced the main contents and research ideas of the project


First of all, Professor Li Shi, the general manager of the project, briefly introduced the tasks, data basis and project ideas to be completed during the planning period.


Subsequently, the sub-project leaders introduced the main research contents and research ideas: Professor Yue Ximing introduced “China Rural Family Database Design”; Professor Wang Xiaoli elaborated on “Database Construction and Application Research for Early Childhood Development in Rural Areas”; Associate Professor Wan Haiyuan introduced “Research on the Income Distribution of Rural Residents in China”; Professor Xia Qingjie reports on “China's Rural Labor Force and Its Liquidity Research”; Dr. Feng Hexia introduced “Research on Rural Poverty and Rural Revitalization in China”.


Professor Wang Xiaoli introduced "Database Construction and Application Research for Early Childhood Development in Rural Areas"


Dr. Feng Hexia introduced "Research on Rural Poverty and Rural Revitalization in China"


In the section of expert comments and discussion, Professor Yang Chengyu suggested that the sample matching of children's development database should be considered, and put forward corresponding suggestions for the consumption dimension of rural family database. Professor Luo Chuliang pointed out that the possible challenges and feasibility of the data investigating process. Professor Xing Chunbing suggested adding special surveys and emphasizing the representativeness of the data. The researcher Zhang Yanqun's comments are aimed at the combination of macro framework and micro.


Expert reviews and discussions

Finally, the professor Li Shi made a summary, hoping that the members of the research group can seriously study the suggestions of the experts and complete the research on time and quality. The opening of the seminar was warm and efficient, and contributed to the construction and application of Chinese rural family database