
发布日期: 2013-07-10  浏览次数:

Prof. Friedrich Bock
Born : 20.1. 1948 in Worms, Germany
Married, 4 children
Address: Klopstockstrasse 6                         29th Street NW
                 65187  Wiesbaden               Washington DC 20007
                 Germany                       USA
1966         Graduated from Gauss Gymnasium Worms
1966 – 1968   Military service
1969 -1974    University of Karlsruhe (Elite university), Germany
             Diploma (MA) in Mathematics, Information theory
             Further studies in Philosophy, sociology and art
1974- 82    Project management Volkswagen/Germany, USA
1982- 86    Division Manager ITT/SEL/Alcatel (IT)
1986- 90    Member of Board BULL Germany(IT)
1990-2000  Vice president and head of leadership team
           Arthur D. Little, INC. int. Top Mgmt Consulting
           head of int. Strategy and Org. practice,
           (3000 empl., 44 offices worldwide)
           Ketteringham price for intellectual leadership
           Havard research project, Prof. Garvin
2001-2005     President and CEO of DETECON consulting (1000 empl.)
             Member of Board T-Systems (14 bill. €, 40 000 empl.)
2006         Managing Partner MC2
2007         Professorship University of Applied Science
             Ludwigshafen, Germany
2005 –2011    International MBA lectures in Germany, Switzerland,
             Vietnam, Thailand, China and India
2011          Official international advisor to BNU MBA MC
2011          Managing Partner of ‘Moving minds’ Germany
Many publications, int. conferences, key note speeker, member of many advisory boards, newest book project ‘Introduction to Management consulting’ (winter 2011)



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