
World Link Asia 招聘启事
发布日期: 2013-04-02  浏览次数:

Job Description: Junior Trading Project Assistant:
• Assist to import/export projects from China to Latin American countries.
• Sourcing products/factories in China
• Developing Suppliers
• Fair Visits around China (Beijing/ Shanghai/ Guangzhou)
• Research market for LatinAmerican companies interested to come to China.

Job Description: Junior Trading Internship:
• Assist to import/export projects from China to Latin American countries.
• Assist for Sourcing products/factories in China
• Assist for Research market for LatinAmerican companies interested to come to China.

Requirements and desire skills:
• Bachelor’s degree: Business, International trade, Logistics, English, Economics OR High school degree with Work experience (Sourcing Chinese products)
• Good written English
• Native Chinese
• Full time (Flexible working schedule and business trips)
• Place: Beijing office, close to line 8 回龙观站。

Interesting benefits
• Monthly salary, depending on education and experience: 3000 a 3800 rmb/month
• Improve your spoken and written English
• Be involved with Latin American culture and practice Spanish
Opportunities to built your career

Contact person: Mr. Oscar Galeano
Operation Manager Hong Kong- ShangHai -Tokyo-Bogota-Quito
Mobile: 1 861 657 4878 Fax: (8621) 54126597
E-mail: santiago@worldlinkasia.com Skype: worldlinkasia Msn: worldlinkasia@hotmail.com

Company Profile: World Link Asia is a strategic advisory trading business company that recognizes the individuality of each of its clients and offers his knowledge, experience, infrastructure and human talent for the benefit of each project ensuring provide the best conditions for their development. Our value proposition is to establish a long term relationship with our customers, supporting the implementation of their projects and creating the appropriate conditions for their development, accompanying them on the road to success. (www.worldlinkasia.com)


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