演讲人:Peter P. MUELLE
Peter P. MUELLE现任德国GMBP(Gesellschaft für Managementberatung & Projektmanagement)咨询公司常务董事,德国AIESEC顾问委员会成员。
自1982年以来,他先后在德国的Roland Berger International Strategist等多家咨询公司担任管理咨询师,并先后成为德国Global Management Group and Global Practice Manager for Travel & Transportation等公司的合伙人并负责项目的管理。他在企业战略、组织开发、市场营销、IT及其销售等领域的战略项目管理中具有丰富的经历,在企业的国际化和外包业务的管理和咨询中具有丰富的经验。在从事战略咨询实践的同时,他还作为管理咨询专业的教授在中国、德国、瑞士、印度、越南等国家的大学任教。目前,他为北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院讲授《咨询项目案例分析》和《IT咨询》两门课程。
A Presentation about his consulting work at the Goethe University of Frankfurt
- with 50.000 students the university belongs to the biggest and most know institutions in Germany; it is organized as a donation since two years with a specific pressure on fundraising, becoming competitive in the international environment and efficient in the internal processes; before that it was part of the state government of Hessen.
- This will be a presentation and a discussion about how to manage a university with all the different requirements, constraints and specialilties a university has and how should the BNU develop itself in the future.
- This is addressed to the professors of faculty and the BNU´s professors which are also in charge of the management of the BNU.