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发布时间:2013-10-17       浏览量:
How does leader ostracism thwart employee proactive behavior?
 A social identity framework


   陈志俊 博士 上海财经大学国际工商管理学院人力资源管理系主任
    陈志俊博士在香港科技大学取得管理学博士学位,现为上海财经大学国际工商管理学院院长助理、人力资源管理系主任。研究兴趣主要包括领导力、同事间影响机制、社会交换过程、以及跨层次理论与研究,研究成果已发表于Organization Science, Personnel Psychology Journal of Organizational Behavior等国际知名管理刊物。

主持人:  婧 博士 经济与工商管理学院人力资源管理系讲师
  20131025日(星期五)下午3:00 -4:30

Disagreement exists regarding whether or not employees who are ostracized by their supervisors will display more extra-role behaviors in an attempt to reconnect with their supervisors. We resolve this disagreement by developing a social identity framework to explain the effect of leader ostracism on followers’ proactive behaviors. We propose that followers’ group identity mediates the negative effect of leader ostracism on their proactive behaviors such as innovative (rated by the immediate supervisor) and taking charge (rated by the coworker) behaviors. We also expect followers’ power distance belief to mitigate the negative relationship between leader ostracism and their group identity. Additionally, effects of followers’ group identity on their proactive behaviors are proposed to be stronger if the followers have a greater self-enhancement motive to align their own behaviors with their group identity. Results from a sample of 321 supervisor-subordinate-coworker triads largely support our social identity model.
Keywords: Leader Ostracism, Social Identity, Proactive Behavior, Power Distance Belief, Self-Enhancement Motive