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Jordi Jaumandreu 教授讲座介绍
发布时间:2013-06-07       浏览量:
主题:An introduction to empirical Industrial Organization
主讲人:Jordi Jaumandreu
主讲人简介:Jordi Jaumandreu博士毕业于西班牙 UNED (Madrid) 经济系,现任美国Boston University经济系Senior Academic Researcher,主要研究领域为应用微观和产业组织,是内生企业生产率研究的主要推动者之一,在Review of Economic StudiesRand Journal of EconomicsEuropean Economic ReviewInternational Journal of Industrial OrganizationScandinavian Journal of Economics等学术期刊发表多篇论文。JaumandreuBoston University经济系的研究生开设多门产业组织和应用微观课程,深受学生好评。
1. Market demand systems.
The uses of demand functions.
Products, characteristics and estimation approaches.
Discrete-choice models:
Basic: Logit, Nested logit.
Consumer heterogeneity and vertical/horizontal differentiation.
Ramdom coefficients models.
Parametric and nonparametric identification.
Measuring consumer welfare.
2. Production and cost functions.
The uses of production and cost functions.
Unobserved efficiency, simultaneity and selection. Other problems.
Different approaches to estimation:
Traditional fixed effects and IV models
Structurally estimating production functions
Productivity analysis and other applications.
3. Market competition.
Modelling a market: demand, cost and behavior.
The specification and treatment of pricing behavior.
Identification of oligopoly models.
The analysis of mergers.
Static and dynamic analyses.
4. Dynamic models.
From "two-period" to dynamic models.
The example of industry entry and exit.
Single agent dynamics: theory and applications.
Multiple agent dynamics: Markov perfect equilibrium.
Review of empirical proposals and applications.