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2月17日 Seminar – XU Hui博士
发布时间:2012-02-14       浏览量:
主题:Left-Behind Children and Return Decisions of Rural Migrants in China
主讲人:XU Hui博士
This paper examines how left-behind children influence return migration in China. We first present a simple model that incorporates economic and non-economic motives for migration duration (or intentions to return). Based on Dustmann (2003b), the parent is assumed to be altruistic and to care about the prospects of her left-behind children. We then propose two complementary empirical tests based on an original dataset from a rural household survey carried out in Wuwei County (Anhui province, China) in fall 2008. We first use a discrete-time proportional hazard model to estimate the determinants of migration duration for both on-going migrants with incomplete length of duration and return migrants with complete length of duration. Second, we apply a binary Probit model to study the return intentions of on-going migrants. Both models find consistent results regarding the role of left-behind children as a significant motive for return. First, left-behind children are found to pull their parents back to the village, the effect being stronger for pre-school children. Second, sons are found to play a more important role than daughters in reducing migration duration.
Introduction of the presenter
Dr. HuiXu is currently employed as a teaching fellow in economics at the University of Montpellier 3 in France. Since 2008, she has been a research member of the laboratory GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne. She just received her Ph.D. in Economics on the 30th September 2011 from the EcoleNormaleSuperieure de Lyon. Her supervisor is Dr. Sylvie Demurger. Dr. Xu's main research areas include Migration, Labor economics, Entrepreneurship, Development economics,Applied econometrics, Experimental economics. During the course of Ph.D. study, she has published several articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as World Development and China Perspectives.