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发布时间:2011-11-25       浏览量:
主题:苏格兰国家医疗体系劳资伙伴关系评估( Evaluating Labour-Management Partnership in NHS Scotland
报告人:周晓光 博士 英国诺丁汉大学商学院人力资源与组织行为系
主持人:李宝元 教授  北京师范大学经管学院人力资源管理系主任
摘要:本课题为英国国家经济与社会研究理事会资助课题项目(ESRC Award: RES-000-22-3569),主要研究了劳资伙伴关系在苏格兰国家医疗体系中的运作情况和结果。报告人首先介绍苏格兰劳资伙伴关系的制度建设和三级结构;其次,运用文档研究、间接参与观察及小组访谈等研究方法,深入剖析三个苏格兰区域伙伴联席论坛中劳资伙伴关系的实际运作情况,包括论坛组织结构、议程范围及参与者行为模式等。随后,基于三个区域论坛中劳资伙伴关系运作的决策结果进行差异对比,并检核影响决策效率差异的几大因素。
AbstractThe overall purpose of this study is to examine the operation and outcome of partnership in NHS Scotland in the context of political devolution. Through a longitudinal study, the paper firstlyexamines the partnership structure, scope of partnership agenda and participants behaviors in three Area Partnership Forums (APFs) which are the main organizations that facilitating partnership arrangements at the regional level of NHS Scotland. Then, the paper measures the outcomes of partnership in three forums and pointes out the main factors that drive varieties between the forums.
 时间20111129日(星期二)下午3:30 -5:00