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发布时间:2011-10-31       浏览量:
主题:制度变迁多样性与其结构背景分析:基于政党-国家交互模型(IPS) 的视角   Varieties of System Transformations and Their Structural Background Based on the IPS Model
主讲人:匈牙利科学院经济所 高级顾问 Mária Csanádi
匈牙利科学院经济所高级顾问,是东欧地区研究中国大陆政治制度变迁首屈一指的国际社会学家,独创“政党-国家交互理论模型”,曾多次接受中央编译局、复旦大学、北京大学等国内知名机构聘请来华演讲,其独特的分析视角受到国内学术界高度重视与赞誉。1997年在华出版《Party -States and their legacies in post-communist transformation》,荣获当年东北亚最畅销书奖。其2006年专著《Self-consuming evolutions: a model on the structure, self-reproduction, self-destruction and transformation of party-state systems tested in Romania, Hungary and China》则被国际同行评为对转型国家政治变迁制度分析不可多得的佳作(密歇根大学,2008)。
The presentation is the theoretical chapter of a planned book. This book, aims to contribute to the theoretical foundations of similarities and differences in the  transformation of party-state systems. Analytical framework of system transformation is based on the extension of the Interactive Party State model (Csanádi, 2006) where specifics of the structure and operation of party-state systems and structural background of their disparities were described and analyzed. Self-similarities and disparities of transformation and path-dependency of the variety of systemic outcomes are assigned to structural characteristics of power distribution of party-state systems interpreted as networks. (The presentation has a background paper accessible at
http://econ.core.hu/kiadvany/mtdp.html Csanadi, M. MT-DP 2011/5).