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12月24日 | 京师OBHRM青年学者系列讲座(第三期)
发布时间:2019-11-27       浏览量:

Working paper: in preparation for submission to Human Relations

A Power-With and Power-Over Framework of Leadership Behaviors and Creativity: A Meta-Analytic Examination

Hongguo Wei, Hae Sang Park, Claire Wu, Bilimoria Diana, Shaobing Li





In this study, we aim to understand how the power-over versus power-with relationship brings a resistant or a generative force for employee creativity through informing leadership behaviors. Different from power-over that highlights dominance and control, the power-with framework emphasizes sharing with, empowering, and developing employees through cooperation. We argue the power-over and power-with framework respectively initiates positive relations-oriented leadership behaviors and task-oriented leadership behaviors. Building on this framework, we hypothesize that positive relations-oriented and task-oriented leadership impact employee creativity through employee psychological empowerment. National power distance moderates how the power-over versus power-with framework functions in shaping employee creativity. A meta-analytic study with 143 independent samples (N =40,023) reveals that positive-relations oriented leadership was positively related to employee creativity, and contrary to our hypothesis, task-oriented leadership was positively related to employee creativity. In addition, Meta-SEM results indicate that psychological empowerment mediated the relationship between positive relations-oriented leadership and employee creativity, and between task-oriented leadership and employee creativity, with the former mediating effect stronger than the latter. National power distance moderated the impacts of positive relations-oriented leadership and task-oriented leadership on employee creativity through psychological empowerment in opposite directions. Our further robust analysis with self-rated and other-rated creativity substantiates the above findings.


Keywords: power-over; power-with; positive relations-oriented leadership; task-oriented leadership; employee creativity; national power distance



魏红果,2008年和2011年在北京师范大学获得工商管理学士和硕士学位。2017年从Case Western Reserve University获得组织行为学博士学位。现任教于University of Central Oklahoma,助理教授。研究兴趣包括领导力、工作关系、情绪、以及工作中的关爱行为。已发表论文见Journal of Business Ethics, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Management Education, and Frontiers in Psychology等期刊。