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03.29人力资源管理系Seminar:Revealing the talents of employees with disabilities: a self-inclusion perspective
发布时间:2017-03-13       浏览量:
讲座题目:Revealing the talents of employees with disabilities: a self-inclusion perspective
时        间: 2017年3月29日星期三上午10:00-12:00
地        点: 后主楼1610
主  讲  人:朱曦济 香港中文大学商学院 博士候选人

The employment of people with disabilities (PWDs) has received increasing attention since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. Current studies on PWDs mainly focused on company practices to accommodate PWDs. Our understanding of the psychology of the PWDs affecting their integration in the workplace is still limited. This prevents managers from fully revealing the work potentials of PWDs. The present two studies focus on the internal mechanisms which affect the inclusion and adaptation of person with disabilities (PWDs) into the workplaces. The first study investigates the relationship between PWDs’ acceptance of disability and help-seeking behaviors. The second study examines How PWDs response to discrimination and the consequences. Study 1 investigates how PWDs’ acceptance of disabilities affects their help-seeking behaviors. Help-seeking behavior is an important part of work activities. However, the long existing stigma of disability impedes the help-seeking of PWDs in the workplaces. I investigate a new antecedent of help seeking behaviors of PWDs. Help-seeking behavior of PWDs is rare investigated and is basically considered to be affected by the demographic variables in the literature. I argue that the attitudinal factor acceptance of disability is also important for the solicitation of help-seeking behaviors. Study 2 investigates the emotion regulation choice of PWDs when they face discrimination, as well as consequences of different emotion regulation strategy. Discrimination is present in both large and small judgements experienced by disabled people. The prohibition of disability discrimination by law has done little to eliminate the discrimination (Oliver & Barnes, 2012). Employees with disabilities pervasively experience disability-based workplace discrimination. This discrimination causes much emotional stress and harms the psychological well-being and performance of PWDs. By investigating the emotion regulation choice of PWDs when they face discrimination, as well as consequences of different emotion regulation strategies, I validate the theory and also help better understand the emotion regulation process of PWDs in the workplace.

        朱曦济现为香港中文大学商学院管理学系博士候选人。主要研究兴趣包括残障人力资源开发,工作场所的情绪以及管理学研究方法,特别是大数据方法在管理学中的运用。目前有多篇文章在审于Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly等国际顶级管理学期刊。目前为中国国际管理学会、亚洲管理学会以及美国管理学会会员,已有成果发表于《统计研究》、《国际金融研究》、《当代经济研究》、《残疾人研究》等国内核心期刊以及报告于中国国际管理学双年会、亚洲管理学双年会和美国管理学年会等国际会议。