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11.24国贸系讲座:The Smile Curve: Evolving Sources of Value-added in Manufacturing
发布时间:2016-11-17       浏览量:
演讲题目:The Smile Curve: Evolving Sources of Value-added in Manufacturing
演讲嘉宾:Tadashi Ito     Gakushuin University
主  持  人:戴  觅     北京师范大学
时        间:2016.11.24(周四)10:30 – 12:00
地        点:后主楼1621

The geographical fragmentation of production processes is accompanied by the displacement of value added from high-technology-high-wage nations to low-technology-low-wage nations. However, developing nations are worried that they are getting the wrong sorts of jobs. This concern is often organized around an intellectual concept – the so-called ‘smile curve’, which asserts that the share of value added in manufactured products is shifting from the fabrication stages to pre- and post-fabrication services. The general assertion held among developing nation policy makers is that this distribution is moving against fabrication stages, and thus they are getting the ‘bad’ jobs, i.e. jobs associated with low value added per worker, while the ‘good’ jobs stay in the North.

The goal of this paper is to shed light on how important the smile-curve notion is at economy level, in order to obtain some answers to the above-mentioned economy-wide policy issues/concerns. Using JETRO-IDE’s Asian Input-Output table, we find that for almost all sectors/nations the inputs from manufacturing sectors provided rising shares of nations’ export value added from 1985 to 1995, but sharply falling shares from 1995 to 2005, accompanied by a concomitant drastic increase of the share of inputs coming from service sectors.