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05.30经济系Seminar:What Economic Measurement Is About
发布时间:2016-05-26       浏览量:
主    题:What Economic Measurement Is About
时    间:5月30号(周一)下午4:00-6:00
地    点:后主楼1620

This seminar is to provide an overview of the theory of economic measurement, highlighting the role played by measurement in economics and the special tasks performed by measurement economists. This seminar discusses the major measurement issues, such as index number theory, the measurement of capital, the measurement of income, the measurement of human capital and the measurement of productivity. Economic measurement provides methodological and technical guidance for constructing and refining official economic statistics including national accounts and price statistics. As such, this seminar also covers some practical issues in the production of official GDP statistics.

魏辉,澳大利亚堪培拉大学经济学博士,现任澳大利亚国家统计局(ABS)宏观研究部主任,负责ABS在国民经济核算、价格指数、国际账户等领域的研究工作,同时还是联合国人力资本测度标准的专业组成员。他的研究领域涵盖了全要素生产率测度、人力资本测度、国民经济核算体系及生产者价格指数体系。他在全要素生产率领域与官方生产率统计结合方面的贡献,得到了哈佛大学戴尔.乔根森(Dale Jorgenson)的肯定和支持,他在人力资本测度方面的论文也在国际统计界具有广泛的影响。魏辉博士早年曾在清华大学和中国社会科学院从事教学科研工作。