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11月25日经济系学术讲座 | Land Titles and Disputes over Land Transfers
发布时间:2020-11-20       浏览量:

【题   目】Land Titles and Disputes over Land Transfers

【时   间】2020年11月25日(星期三),14:30-16:00

【地   点】腾讯会议,会议号:126 521 709

【主讲人】朱炯 助理教授(厦门大学经济学院与王亚南经济研究院)



This paper exploits spatial and temporal variation in the implementation of the Chinese agricultural land titling program to examine the causal effects of land titles on disputes over land transfers. We make a distinction between disputes associated with the titling process and those between landlords and tenants over land-transfer related issues. Using a difference-in-differences approach, we show that land titling has led to a considerable reduction in disputes over land transfers. Several tests were used to mitigate the concerns from spatial spillover effects and our main findings are consistent to various robustness checks.



朱炯博士现为厦门大学经济学院与王亚南经济研究院助理教授,主要研究领域为微观发展经济学,历史发展与比较发展。2020年在中国人民大学获得博士学位后加入厦门大学,目前兼任中国金融40人论坛青年研究员和中国社会科学院中国农村经济杂志社编辑。研究成果发表于European Economic Review,经济研究,管理世界等国内外学术期刊,目前的研究聚焦于:中国县域经济发展;土地经济学;影响经济发展的历史,制度及文化等因素。