1. “Is Risk-taking Propensity Associated with Unethical Behaviors? An Experimental Study,” (with Zhixin Xu,Yue Wang and Hing Keung Ma), Ethics & Behavior, forthcoming.
2. “Matching in the Large: An Experimental Study,” (with Yan Chen, Ming Jiang, Onur Kesten and Stéphane Robin), Games and Economic Behavior, July 2018, 110, 295-317.
3. “College Admissions in China: A Mechanism Design Perspective,” China Economic Review, September 2014, 30(C), 618–631.
4. 高曼,朱敏,“宁为鸡头,不做凤尾? ——相对排名对学生教育产出的影响”,《教育学报》(已接收)。
5. 朱敏,“志愿填报建议与学校选择:一项实验研究”,《教育经济评论》,2016年第4期。
6. 赖德胜,朱敏,“东南亚金融危机对东亚国家教育的影响:经验与启示”,《比较教育研究》,2009年第9期。
1. “Experience Transmission: Truth-telling Adoption in Matching,” GATE WP 1702,2017.
2. “An Experimental Study of Partnership Formation in Social Network,” (with Francis Bloch, Bhaskar Dutta and Stéphane Robin), 2018.
3. 'Online Reputation System in Credence Goods Market," (with Yihong Lin, Huiyu Zhang), 2020.