Huangfang Li, Jie Liang, Hui Xu, Yingxi Liu, “Does windfall money encourage charitable giving? An experimental study”, 2019, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 30(4), 841-848. (SSCI)
Jianxin Wang, Dan Houser, Hui Xu, “Culture, Gender and Asset Prices: Experimental Evidence from the U.S. and China”, 2018, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 155, 253-287. (SSCI) (通讯作者)
Hui Xu, Jie Liang, Yingxi Liu“How Religion Impacts Deception and Trust Behavior: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in China”, 2018, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 11(4), 239-248. (SSCI)
Quang Nguyen, Marie Claire Villeval, Hui Xu,"Trust and trustworthiness under the Prospect Theory: A field experiment in Vietnam,” 2016, Economic Development and Cultural Change 64, 545-572. (SSCI)
Sylvie Démurger, Hui Xu, “Left-behind children and return migration in China”, 2015, IZA Journal of Migration 4(10).
Sylvie Démurger, Hui Xu, “Return migrants: The rise of new entrepreneurs in rural China”, with Sylvie Démurger, 2011, World Development, 39(10), pp. 1847-1861. (SSCI) (通讯作者)
Hui Xu, “Return migration, occupational change, and self-employment: the case of Wuwei county”, 2010, China Perspectives, No.2010/4, pp. 71-86. [French version: Mobilité professionnelle et activités indépendantes des migrants de retour]
Hui Xu, Book review on ‘Labour Migration and Social Development in Contemporary China’, Rachel Murphy (eds.), 2009, London, Routledge, 2010, China Perspectives, No. 2010/2, pp. 80-83.
徐慧,梁捷,赖德胜, “返乡农民工主观幸福度研究-外出务工经历的潜在影响”,《财经研究》,2019年3月
梁捷,徐慧, “理查德·塞勒与行为经济学”(合作者:梁捷), 《中国社会科学报》, 2017.12.20,
何浩然,徐慧, “独生子女的经济行为有别于非独生子女吗?-来自实验室和田野实验的证据”, 2017,《北京师范大学学报》第1期。(通讯作者)
Daniel Houser, Erte Xiao, Hui Xu, “The spillover effects of emotion expression on decision-making”
Sylvie Démurger, Shi Li, Hui Xu, “Internal migration, family living arrangements and happiness in China”
Tavis Barr, Hui Xu, “Work Hours and Measured Inequality in China”
徐慧,赵柘锦,李实, “房价与流动人口的城市定居意愿”
梁捷,李华芳,刘盈曦,徐慧, “启动与非启动机制对慈善捐赠的影响—来自实验室实验的证据”