发布日期: 2011-10-20 浏览次数:
讲座主题: Sustainable Development Growth
讲座嘉宾:Dr.Francis Quinn (欧莱雅集团可持续性发展总监)
主持人:Dr.Carolina (经管学院市场营销系讲师)
讲座地点:北京师范大学教九 502
Received his Ph. D. in Physics from Trinity College Dublin, and joined L'Oréal in 1996 where his main areas of research were biomimetic materials and composite polymers. Dr. Quinn has contributed to 4 books in his specialty topics, published more 20 scientific articles and has filed more than 30 patents. After having worked on the integration of The Body Shop into L'Oréal, and on risk management on environmental questions, in 2009 he was nominated director of sustainable development for the group.
FrancisQuinn在都柏林圣三一学院获得物理学博士学位。1996年加入欧莱雅集团,研究的主要领域为仿生材料和复合聚合物。Francis Quinn博士曾参与过4本书的编写,发表过20篇科学论文,并获得30多项专利。曾参与过美体小铺与欧莱雅的合并、整合工作,主要负责在环境问题上的风险管理。在2009年,他被任命为欧莱雅集团的可持续性发展总监。