
发布日期: 2012-04-23  浏览次数:

主题: 创造财富与价值
: Jordan Hsieh PhD (Taipei Business University)
时间: 2012年4月27日晚7:30

How the power of corporations contribute to making the wealthy even wealthier, minding your own business, overcoming obstacles by not fostering laziness, fear, cynicism and other negative attitudes, and recognizing the characteristics of humans and how their preconceived notions and upbringing hamper their financial freedom goals.
1. The value of financial intelligence.
2. That corporations spend first, then pay taxes, while individuals must pay taxes first.
3. That corporations are artificial entities that anyone can use, but the poor usually do not know how.
Wealth is measured as the number of days the income from your assets will sustain you, and financial independence is achieved when your monthly income from assets exceeds your monthly expenses.

Jordan Hsieh , Doctor of Business Administration, Assistant professor of Taipei business University, TAIWAN.
Vice President of BACERA INVESTMENT FIRM,USA. 2008-present
Marketing Manager , Lehman Brother, 2006-2008
Financial Analyst , Citi Bank Group, 2004-2006
Research field : Brand management,Global marketing and International finance.


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