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发布日期: 2019-06-13 浏览次数:

主讲题目:Advanced Topics in International Trade Research

时    间:2019年6月27日(周四)10:00

地    点:后主楼1722

主讲嘉宾:Maggie Xiaoyang Chen   George Washington University

主 持 人:魏  浩    北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院



    Maggie Chen is Director of Institute for International Economic Policy (IIEP) and Professor of Economics and International Affairs at George Washington University (GWU). She also works as Senior Consultant at World Bank and Adviser at International Finance Corporation and Congressional Budget Office. She had her Ph.D. awarded by University of Colorado at Boulder.

Her research is in the field of international trade and focuses on the behavior and impact of multinational and export firms in the global economy. She has published extensively in top journals such as American Economic Journal, Journal of International Economics, European Economic Review, and Economic Inquiry and so on. She has been the Specialized Co-Editor of Economic Inquiry from 2014. She has also served as referee for American Economic Review, American Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Development Economics and external reviewer for National Science Foundation of US, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. She is a Senior Consultant for World Bank and World Bank Economist for Development Research Group.

    陈晓阳 (经管学院1999届本科),博士毕业于科罗拉多大学波尔得分校,国际经济政策研究所所长,乔治华盛顿大学(GWU)经济学和国际事务教授,世界银行高级顾问,国际金融公司与国会预算办公室的顾问。她的研究是在国际贸易领域,重点研究跨国公司和出口公司在全球经济中的行为和影响。曾在美国经济杂志、国际经济学杂志、欧洲经济评论、经济研究等顶级期刊上发表过大量文章。她从2014年起担任经济调查的专业联合编辑,还担任美国经济评论、美国经济杂志、欧洲经济评论、经济与统计评论、《国际经济学杂志》、《发展经济学杂志》和《美国国家科学基金会外部审评人》、香港研究资助委员会的审计员,世界银行和世界银行发展研究组经济学家的高级顾问。