
发布日期: 2013-11-27  浏览次数:

Beijing Normal University DNA Workshop
Event Title: Finding Self ; Navigating Career(发现自我,助力职业生涯)
Start Date/Time: December 4th, 7:00pm
End Date/Time: December 4th, 8:30pm
Venue Name: Beijing Normal University, Jingshi Building Room 9408

Address: No. 19, XinJieKouWai St., HaiDian District, Beijing 100875, P.R.China
Event Cost: FREE

Buy Tickets URL: None
Event Categories: Dream & Achieve
Event Description: This live workshop is part of the non profit program designed by Lance Tanaka, supported by Beijing Normal University MBA school management, carried out by MBA student project team. The program provides tools; methodologies and a practical step-by step guide to the participants from a self discovery journey to taking real actions, using techniques and best practices learned from thousands of hours spent helping some of Asia’s top executives.  The program consists of a self discovery journey of 12 days by doing DNA exercise everyday with helping tools including reminders through Weixin account for all participants, tutorials, and MBTA to take actions with tracking system. Analysis will be conducted based on the survey result of the project outcome.  The live workshop in the middle of the program provides tutorial on how to complete the DNA exercise and transform dream into real actions. 


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